5 tips for camping in wild places

We feel that “the wild is calling” particularly strong when it’s warm and if we prefer to travel with a camper. In order to get the most out of your holiday in the wild, we advise you to follow some basic rules that will provide you with a safe stay around places where a human foot rarely treads…

5 правила за къмпингуване в диви местности

  1. Pre-plan your trip and stay

In several materials, we gave you practical guidelines for preparing a camper voyage and things you should not forget before you get on the road.

When camping in wild places, it is also important to look at the topographic map of the area and to mark the comfortable places of stay that are flat and close to the water source.

2. Choose the most suitable parking space for the camper and/or tents

It should be near a water source, but do not park your camper and do not stretch a tent less than 100 meters from a river, lake, or other water basins.

Do not park in a dangerous place on a slope and do not have your tent in places lower than the others, because, in the rain, the water will be gathered there.

3. Prepare your camp before it’s dark

Stay at your chosen location and prepare your camper and tents for up to 1-2 hours before getting dark. Keep in mind that choosing the right place, preparing the place for sleeping, preparing food and washing dishes is more unpleasant at night than during the day.

4. Beware of dry trees and branches

Falling trees and branches can be a serious threat to your life and health. Therefore, you need to make sure that you have placed your camp far enough away from dried trees and large dry branches. Be especially careful in the springtime because of the snow there are usually many broken branches that can damage even your camper.

5. Observe the rules of the area where you are and care for nature

Preliminary preparations include the introduction of rules and prohibitions for the selected site – protected area, park, Natura 2000 zone, etc. Even if the territory is not protected, you are obliged to protect nature, not to pollute and to endanger the place.

Try not to camp on fragile vegetation, rare species or flowers in ecologically sensitive areas, especially those with a very short summer, such as the high mountains. If you damage the plants, they will not survive during the cold months.

Source: Camping.bg

Our team will give you another tip: When taking out in the wild, always take the V-Gas Mini – our convenient solution to quickly heat up liquids and meals wherever you are. Find out more about it here.

5 правила за къмпингуване в диви местности