Liquid Gas Europe offers long-term solutions to improve air quality in the EU

In VISION 2050. The contribution of the LPG industry to the long-term decarbonisation of the European energy mix European LPG Association makes specific suggestions on the use of the benefits of propane-butane to other fuels for long-term improvement in air quality in the EU. Европейската LPG асоциация предлага дългосрочни решения за подобряване качеството на въздуха в ЕС The organization’s main goals for the future of Europe are: reducing nature pollution, switching to decentralized energy systems, and a long-term, transparent policy to exploit the potential of renewable fuels. Among the specific proposals of the European LPG Association to the EU Member States for the next 30 years are:

  • establishing, implementing and following a long-term policy for reducing CO2 emissions;
  • supporting all technologies providing significant benefits in terms of both CO2 and pollutant emission performance, in line with technology neutrality;
  • introducing more obligations on the Member States to inform the public about air quality;
  • maintaining a technology-neutral approach in EU energy efficiency policies, especially when comparing electric appliances and similar appliances running on primary energy in the context of the ecodesign and energy labelling schemes;
  • taking into account that retrofitting technologies, for instance converting a gasoline car to run on LPG or BioLPG, can help decarbonising in a cost-efficient manner the existing fleet of vehicles;
  • creating stable and predictable sustainability criteria for bioenergy, to give the right signal to the market to invest in necessary renewable fuel production infrastructures;
  • rising European funds for the decarbonisation of the rural energy mix.

The Association also stressed that LPG is a renewable energy source that is widely used and does not depend on access to a centralized gas network. Statistics show that on average, a household spends 1.5 tonnes (about 25%) CO2 less per year if it uses LPG. V-Gas stands firmly behind the suggestions made by the European LPG Association because they match the company’s vision and mission – to provide the customers with quality, eco-friendly products and services. Think about how you can contribute to nature conservation – use environmentally friendly products only.