How Is LPG Stored? More about V-Gas Products

Have you wondered how exactly we store propane-butane to be absolutely safe? Here are some interesting facts about the procedures that LPG goes through before the commercial distribution as well as information about our reliable products.

  • Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) exists as both gas and liquid. It is stored in pressure vessels, always in liquid form. When in gaseous state, its volume is 270 times greater than that in liquid state.
  • The pressure vessels can range from small camping canisters to BBQ gas bottles to larger gas cylinders and much larger LPG tanks – bullets.
  • LPG is converted into liquid at increasing pressure, sometimes by lowering the temperature. The term “pressure” refers to the average force per unit of area that the gas exerts on the inside walls of the containment vessel.
  • The pressure of LPG (propane) goes from 152 kPa (24 PSIG or 1.5 bar) at 0ºC to 2482 kPa (360 PSIG or 24.8 bar) at 70ºC.
  • Regardless of how it is stored, LPG is there when people need it – clean, safe and reliable energy for everyone everywhere.

Как се съхранява пропан-бутана и какви са продуктите, които предлагаме In the gas-filling plant of V-GAS in Benkovski village the filling of liquefied gas cylinders takes place in the conditions of protected environment, observing the requirements for security and technical safety of the final product. Thus, the regular gas cylinders, which are checked at each filling and sealed with thermo-shrink foil on the valve, reach the Bulgarian customer. We at V-Gas offer products and services for private customers and companies. You and your family can order ours:

Your business can benefit from ours:

  • cylinders for cooking – in restaurants – 10 kg. and 20 kg.
  • cylinders for heating (propane) – 10 kg. and 20 kg.
  • gas for auto-moto vehicles – 10 kg.
  • cylinders of propane – 10 kg. and 20 kg.
  • transportable 760 liter LPG tank

Each batch of cylinders is accompanied by the statutory documents of the manufacturer as required by the law. For any type of additional documents (such as declarations, certificates, etc.) you can contact us at