Liquid Gas Europe’s Position Paper on the Strategy for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions

Following the publication on 28 November of the European Commission’s Communication on Strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reductions, Liquid Gas Europe (European LPG Association) announced its position in the document Liquid Gas Europe’s Position Paper on the Strategy for long- term EU greenhouse gas emissions reductions.

Позицията на Liquid Gas Europe относно Стратегията за намаляване на вредните емисии

The Association makes recommendations and proposals to the European Parliament to ensure the effective implementation of the Strategy. Some of them are:

  • Taking measures to limit the use of solid and liquid fuels

One of the key reasons for the high environmental impact of the sector is that solid and liquid fuels (i.e. coal, peat, heating oil and solid biomass) represent today 21% of the energy mix in the heating sector. The use of these fuels is connected to much higher pollutant emissions than gaseous fuels or electricity. These fuels are mostly used in rural areas, where the natural gas grid is generally unavailable.

  • Construction of electricity and gas networks for rural, mountainous and remote areas 

As rural households represent 17% of the total number of houses in the EU and considering their comparatively higher environmental impact, we believe that any strategy aimed at improving the environmental performance of the heating sector cannot ignore the specificities of rural areas.

  • Development and implementation of incentives for mass use of autogas

Many studies highlight that LPG vehicles produce 23% less well-to-wheel GHG emissions than diesel and 21% less than petrol. In the future, these benefits will significantly increase, when renewable LPG will be rolled out in large quantities and become dominant in the LPG mix.

Екипът ни, като член на Liquid Gas Europe, застава зад предложенията на Асоциацията и ще работи за увеличаване на употребата на пропан-бутан с цел ограничаване на вредните емисии.

Our team, as a member of Liquid Gas Europe, supports the proposals of the Association and will work to increase the use of propane-butane to limit the gas emissions.

The full text of Liquid Gas Europe’s document can be found here.