LPG -The Best Choice for Your Business

Thousands of businesses, small and big, use LPG. Liquid Petroleum Gas – a clean-burning, sustainable and efficient fuel, is one of the most environmentally friendly sources of energy. Propane-butane shows lower greenhouse gas emissions than petrol and diesel. It is easily portable, can be transported quickly; stored and used virtually anywhere as an energy source. There are sufficient reserves to last for many decades.

LPG - печелившият избор за вашия бизнес

When you use LPG, you optimize your costs because:

  • LPG is a cost-effective and clean fuel. The installation and operation costs are affordable.
  • LPG water heating LPG saves a significant amount of energy and is especially popular in the tourism sector.
  • Businesses with significant energy consumption benefit from combined LPG solutions.
  • LPG powered engines last longer and require less maintenance resulting in considerably lower running costs.
  • The initial investment in LPG installation of business buildings pays off many times over, and the companies are independent of the central heating network.

At V-Gas, we help various businesses and customers significantly improve their productivity and reduce household costs. Our team is available to review your specific business needs and advise you on the best solution for you. Contact our experts by phone: 0882 977 459.