Everybody would want to have a bright and beautiful “cottage” away from the noisy city. More and more people are moving to remote areas, to nature, where they can shake off daily stress, breathe fresh air, live healthily and raise their children peacefully… Whether you use your house only occasionally for recreation or is your permanent home, you need to take care of your optimal comfort, as well as the economical and ecological use of energy in it.
The challenge of rural living
Въпреки предимствата си, животът “на село” също е предизвикателство, особено що се отнася до устройството на къщата ви и използването на енергийни ресурси. Нарастващите разходи за енергия, съчетани с ненадеждността и недостъпността на електрическата мрежа създават стрес за тези, които търсят по-спокоен начин на живот. Обикновено липсва лесен достъп до електричество и газ, който градът предлага. Инсталирането и поддръжката на електрически кабели и газопроводи често изискват сериозна инвестиция във време и пари.
Despite its advantages, rural living is also a challenge, especially when it comes to the design of your house and the use of energy resources. Rising costs, along with the inaccessibility and unreliability of mains power are all creating stress for those looking for a more relaxed lifestyle. Unlike in the city, there is usually a lack of easy access to electricity and gas. The installation and maintenance of electrical cables and pipelines often require a serious investment of time and money.
The alternatives
The lack of or underdeveloped energy and infrastructure networks often leads rural property owners to look for alternatives. Nowadays, solar and wind energy are undoubtedly popular in Bulgaria, but their electricity production requires a long period of time, which can also lead to fluctuations in power supply. In addition, these technologies continue to hold high prices.
The solution – LPG
Propane-butane is the effective solution for a home far from the city. Switching to a home LPG installation is easy and provides energy for:
- heating;
- cooking;
- water heating;
- power supply for refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, etc.
Apart from its wide use, propane-butane is a preferred alternative for heating in rural areas in our country because:
- It is a more environmentally friendly option than coal-generated electricity.
- It is non-toxic – won’t impact on soil or water quality.
- LPG bottles have an indefinite shelf life and aren’t impacted by weather conditions.
- LPG is easily transported, and V-Gas has an excellent distribution network in Bulgaria.
- It is much more efficient than many other energy sources.
- LPG can provide instantaneous heating options for cooking, hot water and home heating, for optimal energy efficiency of home appliances.
The optimal decision for efficient and ecological heating in your home outside the city is waiting for you. Request a switch to LPG installation NOW on tel.: 0700 20204.