After discussing the main advantages of the LPG home installation, we’ll take a look at the pros of using LPG for water heating.
How does it work?
The heater heats cold water above their initial temperature using propane-butane, so the water is stored at the desired heat of the owner until the hot water is needed. This reduces the risk of bacteria.
LPG meets the needs of the household, regardless of the central heat breakings. At the same time, the user’s carbon footprint is reduced.
Thus, LPG hot water systems are energy efficient, clean, compact, quiet and affordable. These advantages make the LPG heaters a perfect solution not only for private customers but also for various business ideas.
LPG heaters can also be installed in open spaces to provide hot water in tubs, swimming pools, showers, sports complexes, spas, etc. They easily maintain the desired water temperature regardless of the outside temperature.
Main Benefits
LPG water heaters are a flexible solution for home and business because of their reliability and rapid heating ability. They can be used outdoor and offer the best alternative to central heating and electric heating. Besides, the maintenance of the installation is extremely easy.
LPG water heaters offer:
- a constant independent supply of hot water in open and closed spaces;
- a complete temperature control system
- power saving
- carbon footprint reducing
For more information on switching to an LPG home installation, please contact us at 0700 20204.