Liquid gas Europe’s priorities for the 2019-2024 European parliament term

Ar the beginning of 2019, the European Parliament’s main priority remains the environmental protection. That is why EU’s policies are directed to propane-butane usage encouragement. Find out why it is important for everyone to use the natural heating and moving methods that LPG offers.

Приоритетите на Европейския парламент, свързани с пропан-бутана за 2019-2024

Each year, 400.000 people die prematurely because of exposure to air pollution – the biggest environmental risk to health in the EU. Particulate matter (PM) and nitrous oxides (NOx) pose the highest health risk. They are mainly generated by the combustion of solid and liquid fuels in heating appliances and by diesel vehicles

How can propane-butane improve air quality?

  • When it is used as a heating fuel:

Systems relying on LPG emit 80-99% less PM and 50-75% less NOx than solid and liquid fuels boilers, such as coal, heating oil, peat and biomass. LPG covers 17% of the heating and cooking energy needs of the 40 million households in EU.

  • When it is used in the transport sector:

LPG’s environmental benefits in the transport sector are recognised by EU legislation, which grants it the status of alternative transport fuel LPG cars have almost no pollutant emissions. They emit 98% less NOx than diesel cars and 90% less PM than gasoline cars in real driving conditions. Having a strong infrastructure network, LPG is readily available almost anywhere in the EU and a perfect solution to start cleaning up the air today. About 8 million vehicles in the EU run on LPG.

Because of its benefits, propane-butane is being used by more and more people in different regions of Europe. EU policies are geared toward mass distribution because LPG is one of the most environmentally friendly fuels.

Start using LPG – it’s easy, contact us at national number 0700 20204 to find out how you can benefit from the propane-butane.