We Conducted Safe Driving Training

It involved over 30 employees from all departments of V-Gas.

On April 20th, we conducted training among our employees to remind them how important it is to follow safe driving practices such as: wearing seatbelts by all passengers, maintaining distance, limiting speed, and others.

The Safety Driving training consisted of both practical and theoretical parts.

Those who attended the training practically acquired a range of skills, including:

  • Correct steering wheel handling;
  • Active acceleration and emergency braking;
  • Rewind simulator.

Our employees went through:


demonstrating the necessity of using seatbelts, both in the front and rear seats.


simulating vision and balance while walking under the influence of alcohol.


demonstrating the importance of driving with increased attention and at an appropriate speed.

The theoretical part of the training included a motivational lecture focusing on the driver’s attitude and behavior, which create risks on the road. Participants learned about the anatomical, biomechanical, and physiological features when choosing the correct sitting position behind the wheel and operating it. Good practices crucial for road safety were discussed, related to:

  • Challenges of local road conditions;
  • Effect of speed;
  • Vehicle safety systems;
  • Hazard perception and observation;
  • Distraction, fatigue;
  • Roundabout specifics;
  • Road rage (how it happens and how to avoid and cope with it).

Browse photos from the training session: