Camping.Bg Game Gives You a Chance to Win a Camper Bottle or V-Gas Mini

Enter the game now and share your unique culinary recipe

This year V-Gas is a part of the unique culinary camping contest, organized for the second time by the Bulgarian camping and caravan portal The contest will be held from 23 July to 26 August 2018, and the prizes are 5 of our camper bottles and 5 mini-bottles – V-Gas Mini.

The competition is open to all who love to cook under the stars with lots of imagination and inspiration. By participating, you will also have the chance to become a recipe writer in a future print edition, including a recipe section.

Спечели кемпер бутилка или V-Gas Mini в играта на

Here are the terms and conditions for participation in the competition:

  • Participants have to send their tested recipes to an email at or to share them on our Facebook page;
  • The recipes should be accompanied by at least one photo. You must be the author of the photo;
  • arranges all receipts received in a gallery on the Facebook page and publishes some of them on and / or and V-Gas will provide weekly awards for the “Campsite cuisine” for the most appealing recipes. They will be determined by a jury, which will take into consideration:

  • Number of likes of visitors in the Facebook gallery of
  • Number of visitors who have experienced the recipe *
  • Individual opinion and judgment of jury members on the recipe’s appeal

* Visitors without an entry may leave comments under prescriptions, post impressions or share pictures from the recipe as proof that they have been tested. Recipe testing is not accepted as a request to participate in the competition.

Other terms and conditions:

  • The participants agree that the recipes and their photos will be distributed through the Facebook page, the websites, as well as in a printed edition of;
  • The name of each author will be published under his recipe, both on the Internet and in the print edition;
  • By sending the recipes and pictures, the participants declare that they have all rights to the photos taken;
  • Participants must be at least 18 years of age.
  • There is no limit to the number of recipes sent by each participant;
  • One participant may be awarded several times in the competition, but one in each series;
  • One series lasts for 1 week. The competition will be held in 5 series.
  • Employees and affiliates with and V-Gas, their game-related partners, and family members of all the aforementioned persons may not participate in the contest;
  • Participation in the contest is not related to the purchase of a good or service and everyone has the right to participate in it free of charge.

Prize fund:

The prizes are 5 propane 9-kg camper bottles and 5 mini-bottles with gas stove – V-Gas Mini.

Share your tempting recipe and get a quality product from V-Gas!

Спечели кемпер бутилка или V-Gas Mini в играта на