LPG is one of the safest and environmentally most friendly sources of energy. However, it has some potentially dangerous characteristics and it is important to use it in responsible and cautious manner.
V-GAS complies with all safety requirements of the national and European legislation in the field. Below are several tips from our experts targeting the users of LPG in steel cylinders.
- Ensure that your equipment works properly
It is essential that the cylinders undergo a technical examination regularly and not to be filled up if the review period has expired. In addition, we recommend that users make sure that stoves and hobs, especially hoses and regulating valves, are also in good condition.
- Incorrect treatment of the cylinder
Under no circumstances should you drop or blow the gas bottle. Beware of any action that could cause damage, breakage, or corrosion of the body. Also, it should always be used and stored in a vertical position. It is also forbidden to have more than two cylinders in one room – work and spare.
- Incorrect operation of the cylinder
One of the most common bottlenecks is the use of an open flame to check for gas leakage, burning it with a burner, and placing it on a warming surface, including a hot plate or a fireplace. Any placement of the bottle near heat sources leads to an increase in its pressure and the risks of an accident. It is also extremely dangerous to heat it in a fire caused by other risk factors such as old or faulty electrical equipment.
Another violation is any attempt to repair, check the valve needle etc. – this poses a risk of gas leakage into the room and potentially more serious consequences!
Operating the gas cylinder without knowing the basic safety instructions is a risk of an accident! Ask your supplier for safety instructions! Read carefully as well the warning phrases of the heat shrink film placed on the valve!
- The location of the gas cylinder
In case of leakage the propane-butane is collected at sites below ground level and can form explosive mixtures there. Therefore, in no case should bottles be placed in attics, cellars or near ventilation holes mounted on the floor. Furthermore, good ventilation should always be carried out in rooms where they are installed. Also make sure that the gas regulators mounted on the cylinder valve are new and in good working order as well as the gas hoses ie check with soap solution before use!
- Trust only authorized companies
Working with authorized cylinder filling companies with the required certification and qualified team can be critical to the security of the home or business where the bottles are used. Replace empty cylinders for full ones only at the trademark points marked on the cylinder.