The V-gas Booth At The Camping & Caravaning Expo Attracted Great Interest For The Third Consecutive Year

V-Gas was among the 80 exhibiting companies at this year’s Camping & Caravaning Expo in Sofia, which attracted over 20,000 visitors between April 12 and 14. Our experts introduced thousands of people to the company’s activities and the wide range of applications of our products – autogas, LPG for industrial and household needs, tanks, and bottles.

Visitors to our booth showed the greatest interest in V-Gas propane bottles for campers and caravans, which are also suitable for yachts. They also learned about the advantages of home gas installations, which are economical, environmentally friendly, and convenient to use even in remote areas. That’s why we received a large number of inquiries about installing shelves, bottles, and heating tanks in campsites along the Black Sea coast.

Мнозина се възползваха от специалната ни промоция на комплекта V-Gas Mini (газово котлонче с пълнител бутанова бутилка), който е изключително полезен при излети и къмпингуване. Посетителите имаха възможност и да участват в томбола, на която се включихме с много награди и рекламни материали. 

За нас беше удоволствие да се запознаем на живо и с наши настоящи клиенти, които посетиха щанда на V-Gas, за да разберат повече за процесите по пълнене на бутилките, начините на дистрибутиране и т.н. 

Разгледайте снимки от участието ни на Camping & Caravaning Expo 2024:

Many took advantage of our special promotion on the V-Gas Mini kit (a gas stove with a butane bottle filler), which is extremely useful for outings and camping. Visitors also had the opportunity to participate in a raffle, where we offered many prizes and promotional materials.

It was a pleasure for us to meet in person with our existing clients who visited the V-Gas booth to learn more about the bottle filling processes, distribution methods, etc.

Check out photos from our participation at the Camping & Caravaning Expo 2024: